Employees are proving they are getting more comfortable working from home. In fact, so comfortable that many are willing to sacrifice time off to keep working in their pajamas, a study shows.

About 51 percent of 1,000 professional workers surveyed in August 2020 by Office Depot would give up vacation days to continue to work from home. At the same time, 55 percent of those polled said that if they do return to the workplace, they are most looking forward to seeing their colleagues again, while 42 percent are excited about having regaining their personal workspace.

Another highlight of the survey shows about two-thirds of employers support a change in work hours, allowing remote work indefinitely or implementing a hybrid workplace model.

For about 60 percent of both employers and employees, flexible working hours were cited as the biggest benefit to remote work. Employers were more likely than employees to cite better work-life balance and avoiding a commute was a top benefit for 61 percent of employees versus 38 percent of employers, the study said.

In addition, employers cited poor internet connections as the top pain point from working from home. For employees, it was the lack of face-to-face time.

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