A large majority of remote employees in the U.S. feel that have been more productive than before the pandemic as they are working longer hours from home, according to a study.

About 89 percent of workers polled by the Milken Institute and technology consulting firm Infosys believe they are getting more work done than when they were in their offices, the survey said. Eighty-one percent of managers felt that employees were more productive at home.

Still, telecommuting has translated to more work, the poll found.

“Remote work has eroded the boundaries between home and office, increasing working hours,” it said. “It is also possible that people are working harder to keep their jobs secure amid the economic downturn. Increased remote working may further lengthen workers’ hours because of greater competition arising from remote hiring, the need to accommodate colleagues in other time zones, and an awareness that companies are scrutinizing their employees’ time more closely.”

At the same time, “most employers expressed concern about collaboration, effectiveness, and morale and admitted to keeping closer tabs on employees,” the report said. “Similarly, most employees reported more meetings and greater pressure to demonstrate their commitment, including being first to meetings, keeping videos on, and emailing beyond working hours.”

The survey also found that female respondents were likelier to work longer hours and assume new projects, while male respondents were slightly likelier to take additional classes and much likelier to say that their workloads are higher.

The surveyed from October to November 2020 covered 608 managers and 401 employees from U.S. companies with at least $1 billion in revenue.

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