As in other fields, the wake of the Covid-19 epidemic has brought with it a war for talent in the legal field.

Law firms are struggling to hire as lawyers remain leery of returning to the office, The National Law Review reported.

“There is a war for talent and attorneys have more leverage than ever. For most attorneys I speak with, being allowed to work remotely has become critical and, for many, their employer’s impending return-to-office policy is motivating them to make a move,” Edina Beasley, a managing director with attorney recruiting firm Major, Lindsey & Africa, told the publication. “That said, with client demands at an all-time high, law firms have been creative and aggressive when it comes to creating incentives to attract and retain talent (e.g., compensation increases, significant bonuses and long-term flexible working arrangements).”

Management at law firms is struggling to maintain both their staff and their clients, the publication said. Firms with flexible work options appeal to both current and potential staff and clients, it added.

“They’re trying to focus on the positives and convenience, and the cost savings to their clients. Of not having to get on a train or get on a plane or even just in a car and rack up those hours getting to and from some of these obligations,” Michelle Fivel, a partner at Major, Lindsey & Africa, told The National Law Review.

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