Microsoft, Google, Facebook and Uber are making plans to bring staff back to the office after asking employees to work from home during the pandemic.

Microsoft already reopened its Redmond, Washington, headquarters on March 29, The New York Times reported. The Redmond campus will be open to 57,000 workers, who will have the choice to work from the office, home or a combination of both.

Employees will be required to wear masks and to practice social distancing. Microsoft’s office will be open without restrictions only once the virus has the status of a seasonal flu, the company said in a blog.

Uber also opened its San Francisco headquarters on March 29, limiting capacity to 20 percent, Reuters reported. Facebook, for its part, will start bringing workers back to the office in May and will require mask wearing, social distancing and weekly Covid-19 tests.

Google has less clear plans, having told The Verge that employees could work from home until September 2021. At that point, the company will experiment with a flexible work week, requiring in-person work only three days a week.

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