Michigan has extended its Covid-19 emergency rules for an additional six months, requiring employers to direct their employees to continue working from home, the international employment law firm Ogletree Deakins reported on its website.
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on April 12 announced the state is working alongside business leaders as well as public health experts to determine what a “back-to-work cadence looks like,” according to the site.
Employers are encouraged to determine which employees may be required for in-person work and they should be prepared to show the analysis to the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administrations (MIOSHA), it said.
The state will continue to require employers to abide by MIOSHA Covid-19 workplace safety guidelines, Ogletree Deakins noted. MIOSHA will conduct periodic audits of a company’s analyses of who can and can’t work from home, while retail and production workers are exempt from audits, it added.