Though a new French health protocol in effect July 1 did not spell it out, the French Ministry of Labor is currently recommending two days of telework a week, according to Le Parisien.

With a new national health protocol, employees were concerned that they would be obligated to return to the office full time, so Le Parisien went directly to the source, the French Ministry of Labor, to ask for clarification.

“It’s not about going from everything to nothing,” a ministry spokesperson told the newspaper. “Teleworking remains an important practice in the fight against the Covido-19 crisis. … For reference, in public service, we have been teleworking three days a week since June 9, then we went to two days a week starting July 1 until the end of August.”

The new protocol also allows company cafeterias’ occupancy rate to increase from 50 percent to 100 percent, and diners will no longer be obliged to eat alone as before. However, takeaway meals, to be eaten at one’s desk, is preferred, according to the ministry.

In addition, new rules require employers to allow employees to be absent during working hours if they are going to be vaccinated.

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