Remote workers in Canada are logging more work hours from home and are experiencing stress as a result, the Financial Post reported, citing a survey by ADP Canada and the polling organization Angus Reid.
Thirty percent of employees said they were working more in April 2021 compared with a year earlier, the report showed. Forty-four percent of those who work remotely said they put in overtime and one in 10 reported adding an extra workday to the week. Forty-one percent said they feel more stressed than before the beginning of the pandemic.
Still, 42 percent of those polled reported being more productive working from home, while 37 percent said their quality of work has increased. The survey found that 69 percent of remote workers said employers have been forgiving when personal responsibilities get in the way.
“After a year of monitoring how workplaces have evolved and responded to the pandemic, it appears that many companies have moved to flexible work hours or hybrid work models,” Ed Yuen, vice president of strategy and business development at ADP Canada, was cited as saying in a news release. “While many of these policies were a ‘perk’ a few months back, they are now commonplace. For some, this flexibility seems to have improved productivity and quality of work.”
The poll also found that 40 percent of employees want to continue working remotely post-pandemic, and that four out of 10 companies in Canada continue to allow their staff to work remotely.
ADP Canada, a payroll and human-resources firm, surveyed 1,501 working Canadians who are members of the Angus Reid Forum, an online public-opinion community, on April 14 and 15, 2021