Aetna, Travelers delay office return amid Delta variant concerns, newspaper says

Connecticut-based insurance giants Travelers Companies and Aetna have delayed office reopenings after a surge in Delta variant Covid-19 cases, the Hartford Courant reported.

Travelers had planned to reopen its offices in mid-September for thousands of workers in Hartford, Conn., according to the Hartford newspaper. The company announced in July that returning employees could work from home two days a week and the rest in-office.

Now, the company is delaying that return until October.

“In light of the uncertainty surrounding the Delta variant, we’ve decided to delay our formal return to the office plan by at least one month,” a spokesperson for Travelers said in a statement, according to the Courant.

Aetna Inc., another Connecticut-based health-insurance company, said employees will return to the office in the “September time frame, recognizing this could change as the public health situation remains fluid,” the company was cited as saying by the newspaper. Eventually, the company plans to implement a hybrid arrangement.

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