In a climate where remote and hybrid work models will continue, 25.7 million U.S. non-tech jobs will be able to be performed remotely, according to a May 2021 report by Upwork.

Using U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics as of January 2021, the freelancing platform issued the report titled “Not Just Tech: Remote Freelancing Across Industries.”

Positions that could be done remotely are available in industries such as accommodation, food service, agriculture, construction, mining, utilities, transportation and warehousing, it said. Even in a hands-on field such as construction, the report found that 10 percent of jobs could be performed remotely.

“These findings reveal a significant opportunity for non-tech businesses to tap into new, highly skilled remote talent, unlocking the true potential of their businesses,” Adam Ozimek, chief economist of Upwork, said in a press release.

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